The Department of Asian Languages, Literatures, and Cultures invites applications for the Williams-in-China (Hong Kong) Teaching Fellowship! Since the 1960’s, Williams has sent graduates to teach and study at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), one of the top universities in this dynamic city of approximately 7 million people.
The fellowship is open to all majors! Jeongyoon Han (Chinese and Political Science) ‘21 and Emily Sun (biology) ‘21, were two most recent fellows.
The fellowship is a one-year position, with a possibility of a second year, if the candidate and the University so desire. The work begins in late August. Teaching duties are divided between United College, where the Fellow leads their own class in English Conversation, and one of several departments, where the Fellow acts as a Teaching Assistant in a regular course. Williams pays US $7000, plus an airfare subsidy in the amount of US $1500. CUHK adds approximately HK$ 10,000 (approximately US$1200) in monthly salary and a campus apartment that you share with another US fellow. Fellows can, at no additional expense, take Chinese language courses at CUHK, which are encouraged but not required. Fellows are responsible for their own health insurance.
To apply for this fellowship, please prepare the following documents and combine all the documents into one PDF file and submit through the GLOW course “Asia-Related Funding Opportunities” under the assignment “Williams-in-China (HK) Teaching Fellowship 2023-24.” If you haven’t already, you may self enroll in the course at
- A cover sheet with your name, SU Box, email address, major(s), language(s) you know, and names of two Williams faculty members who know you well (no written recommendation is necessary)
- A brief statement of purpose (briefly explain why you are applying and how this program fits into your long-range plans)
- Your Academic Progress Report or transcript from the college
- Your resume
The deadline for submission is March 15, 2023. The selection committee aims to notify the successful candidate through email by the end of the Spring Break.